Engineering PR:  Building a business through public relations

Engineering PR

The engineering industry covers a number of sectors including mechanical, chemical, electrical, management, geotechnical and civil engineering.

But all types of engineering firms can benefit from public relations activity if you want to build your customer base, increase your visibility, stay ahead of the competition, establish your firm as an industry leader and demonstrate to the public how engineering contributes to our quality of life.

“Engineering public relations activity is the most effective way to convey key messages to your audiences, whether that’s decision makers at a government level or the general public.”Jill Kent, PR Superstar

Working with an engineering PR agency London

Whatever type of engineering firm you have, I help uncover the stories within your business that journalists and editors are interested in. These stories can be about industry trends, issues or standards. They could be about the people in your team. Or they could showcase your industry know-how. Engineering PR stories – especially civil engineering PR stories – are an opportunity to show how your projects are beneficial to the public too.

Innovative and strategic engineering PR activity helps you:

  • Garner media attention: An effective media strategy which consists of pitching well-crafted stories to PR Superstar’s network of journalists and editors ensures your company earns coverage in the leading business and industry publications
  • Tell your story: PR helps you distinguish yourself from the competition by enabling you to share your story and control the narrative. How did the business start, what’s your approach, how do you do things differently, what’s your impact on the industry?
  • Develop a communications strategy: Engineering firms often struggle to take complex ideas and make them understandable for their audience. A PR campaign enables you to create messaging that’s right for each audience and channel.
  • Raise your profile: PR activity ensures your audience, your industry and your peers recognise your business and the work you do, and that all communications are consistently on brand
  • Influence internal stakeholders: PR can be used to establish and maintain relationships with your audience inside the business through an employee relations programme
  • Manage a crisis: The engineering sector is not averse to a crisis. Having a crisis communications plan in place and a spokesperson who is media trained will ensure minimal damage to your reputation.

Discover how a well-planned strategic PR campaign can benefit your engineering company.

Engineering PR

Want to join the PR revolution? Call me now on +44 (0)77604 70309

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The Times
Financial Times
Evening Standard