Consumer PR: Building brand loyalty and boosting bottom lines

Glamorous woman in sunglasses carrying retail bags

Today’s consumers are a savvy lot. And with so much competition, it’s harder than ever to build brand loyalty.

But it’s not impossible. And that’s where consumer PR comes in.

A smart consumer PR campaign can help increase brand awareness, establish brand values, improve a company’s reputation and build a dedicated following who act as brand ambassadors and share content and positive feedback. And that applies whether you run a large firm or a small ambitious start-up.

Knowing your audience and what matters to them is crucial. A well thought through consumer PR strategy gives you the opportunity to talk to your customers in a meaningful way, to attract a new audience, to grow that relationship and to build brand loyalty.

“Consumer PR is a mix of social media management, media relations, influencer engagement and compelling storytelling that’s open and transparent. Done right, it leads to outstanding results, including an uptick in brand awareness and ultimately, an increase in sales.”Jill Kent, PR Superstar

What to expect from a consumer PR agency

As an experienced PR consultant, I deliver insight-driven and innovative consumer PR campaigns across traditional and online media.

What’s the process? Like all PR activity, I begin by working with you to define your goals, such as:

Next, I look at your audience. Who are they and – crucially – where are they? If your customers are on Instagram in the evening, coverage of your product in the Sunday supplements will pass them by. Likewise, it’s a waste of a good PR budget if it’s all spent on celebrity influencers, if your audience is unlikely to engage with them.

The hard sell no longer works. Today’s consumers want to buy from businesses which are honest, open and authentic. So consumer PR is all about unearthing those interesting and engaging stories that really connect: from behind-the-scenes access, to stories about real customers or community activities.

And consistency is key. Consumer brands must have consistent messaging across all channels, from PR activity and advertising to the website and social media. When consumers are exposed to one consistent message across the board, they’re much more likely to buy.

Lastly, I use my contacts in the printed and broadcast consumer media, as well as with key bloggers and social media influencers to ensure your message is seen by the right people at the right time. A successful consumer public relations campaign takes time, energy and investment. But done well, can boost a brand’s credibility, enhance customer relationships, and increase sales.

Want to work with a results-driven consumer PR agency?

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