Put Your Property Business on the Map with PR

Whether you’re a high-end property developer, interior designer or an award-winning architect, your clients expect nothing less than perfection. And you, no doubt, work around the clock to provide it.

Whether it’s a multi-unit apartment scheme, or a 95-storey skyscraper like The Shard, your fanatical attention to detail means you deliver high quality developments that showcase the very best material finishes and technology the world has to offer.

What your business does is pretty amazing, but it’s not easy. There can be lots of challenges to overcome: from attracting investment and support from the local community, to obtaining planning permission.

But there’s a resource at hand to help you overcome these obstacles: Public Relations.

PR for Property

PR is all about reputation – the result of what you do, what you say and what others say about you. It can play a vital role in the success of any design or building project – especially at the competitive luxury end of the market.

A well-managed property PR campaign can help you secure investment, overcome resistance, win support and build your reputation in the wider property sector.


The property industry, along with the building and construction trades, rely heavily on word-of-mouth marketing, (client referrals via personal recommendations), so you need to be doing everything you can to build your reputation, and get clients, investors, stakeholders and the media talking about you and your organisation for all the right reasons.

One brand that has used PR to great effect is Candy & Candy, founded by British property tycoons Nick and Christian Candy. Once relative unknowns, the brothers shot to fame after finding a lucrative niche creating opulent homes for super-wealthy clients. Built in prime central London locations, their properties are decorated like five-star hotels, complete with hand painted wallpaper and customised panic rooms. Their design budgets often reach up to £3,000 per square foot — the space taken up by your average waste paper bin. All of their properties boast the latest gadgets and gizmos, such as self-playing Perspex grand pianos, and cameras that take pictures of guests at the front door, and then project them on to a crystal chandelier in the hall. Every detail is meticulously planned and oozes extravagance, which is what their brand is all about.

Dream homes

The brothers are PR machines. Over the years, they’ve established a reputation in the media and the industry not just for delivering dream-homes for the uber-rich, but for being the living embodiment of their luxury brand, having accumulated considerable wealth and personal portfolios of luxurious properties and expensive toys.

In order to reach their target market, they’ve made it their business to schmooze influential journalists, key media and well-connected celebrities, to establish their brand at the very top end of the luxury market.

Their properties sell for incredible sums of money. And the more outlandish the project, the more column inches and media interest they generate.

As a result of their PR efforts, the Candy brothers are renowned worldwide, and can boast wealthy Russian oligarchs, Middle Eastern sheikhs and Asian billionaires among their clients.

They are, in effect, property PR superstars.

Become a property PR superstar

If you have an established reputation in the industry, it will put you at an advantage when speaking to investors, building community relationships and ingratiating yourself to policy makers.

Want to join the PR revolution? Call me now on +44 (0)77604 70309

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The Times
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Evening Standard