Just the Tonic

“Jill Kent really took the time to understand me and my business. To date, I have been featured in exactly the type of publications I was looking for. This has been a game changer for my business in raising my profile, attracting more of my ideal clients and increasing my credibility, which is vital in my line of work. Jill is really hard working and I have no doubt she goes the extra mile for me. I am so pleased to be working with her and thankful for the impact it has made to my business.”

Sandra Parker, Founder and Director, Just the Tonic Coaching

As featured in…

Background and Brief

Sandra Parker couldn’t imagine a weekend, bank holiday, meal out, night out, a holiday, or even unwinding after a difficult day at work without alcohol. Having originally trained as a chartered accountant and working over the years for the likes of Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse and Morgan Stanley, she quit her 25-year corporate career, which had culminated in her working for oil giant BP, and created Just the Tonic after undergoing her own personal journey in search of sobriety that spanned decades. Her clientele are mainly professional women who are married with children and successful careers, but are alcohol dependent contrary to all outward appearances, with some women downing as many as 14 bottles of wine per week despite holding down demanding roles at work and living seemingly fully-functioning lives as wives and mothers where their secret addiction often goes undetected. Sandra founded London-based online coaching company Just the Tonic in 2019 to help high-achieving professionals in midlife gain freedom from alcohol to live a healthier and more fulfilling existence.

Having worked with other PR agencies that didn’t quite hit the mark, PR Superstar was hired by Sandra to raise awareness of her growing business among her key target audiences – middle-aged women in their late 30s, 40s and 50s in good jobs, often working in a finance, legal or corporate setting in the City.

Campaign and Results

Previous unimaginative and unambitious PR agencies had predictably tied Sandra’s PR to particular days of the year, such as Dry January or Sober October, and had simply provided press comment on her behalf to journalists. Unsurprisingly, this lacklustre coverage did little to boost business for Just the Tonic.

On the other hand, PR Superstar immediately placed Sandra’s own story and emotionally-charged personal journey, as well as that of her clients, at the heart of our PR. Sandra was advised to be as open and transparent about her struggles as she felt comfortable with, as this vulnerability was something that readers would find relatable and refreshing.

In addition to case studies, PR Superstar offered up Sandra’s wealth of expert knowledge and advice for press articles relating to middle-aged drinking, and strengthened our PR pitches with the very latest statistics from the likes of NHS England and the BMJ that confirmed Sandra’s own findings that higher-risk drinkers tend to be people in better health, with higher incomes, and more education.

To reach Just the Tonic’s target audiences, I targeted business-focused publications like City AM and The FT, plus Metro that remains popular with commuters, as well as those publications that are typically read by women in their prime such as The Daily Mail and The Daily Telegraph, together with more niche media outlets covering sectors such as finance and legal, in which many of her clientele work.

PR Superstar has been retained for a fourth time in a row.

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The Times
Financial Times
Evening Standard