Opus Talent Solutions

“The publicity that Jill Kent delivered has been way above any of our expectations and far greater than the large national PR companies we have previously partnered with. Jill has consistently delivered high-quality, considered and targeted multi-media coverage. The authenticity and value of such editorial coverage has proved to have a far greater ROI and at a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising campaigns. A hard-working, straight-talking, true PR Superstar!”

Alex Crass, Marketing Director, Opus Talent Solutions

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Background and Brief

Amy Golding is the youngest female CEO of a £100M turnover company in the UK. Aged 31, she was appointed head of Opus Talent Solutions, a tech recruitment giant, headquartered in Bristol with offices globally – having never worked a day as a Chief Executive Officer. She is also founder of _nology, a 12-week diversity-boosting tech skills course for people from any background who want to get a job in tech. At Opus, the modern-day ‘wonder woman’ leads a team of 500 people, with the fast-growing business boasting more than 2,000 clients, from Uber, Burberry and GE, to Bank of America, ASOS and Tiffany & Co. Opus has been recognised as among The FT 1,000: Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies, it has appeared twice on The Sunday Times HSBC International Track 200, featured five times on The Sunday Times Virgin Atlantic Fast Track 100, and twice on The Sunday Times 100 Best Small Companies to Work For. Phew, what a list! Under Golding’s impressive charge, profits doubled in her first year as CEO. Before joining Opus, she worked as a personal business adviser to entrepreneur and former Dragons’ Den tycoon James Caan CBE.

PR Superstar was hired to boost Golding’s personal profile as a successful female CEO and business leader, and thereby raise awareness of Opus and _nology, particularly among traditionally non-tech audiences and those outside the readership of HR trade press.

Campaign and Results

I pitched Golding’s success story to TV & radio, national newspapers, glossy weekend supplements, women’s lifestyle magazines, and high-ranking online media. I charted her extraordinary rise to fame and fortune after coming from humble beginnings and working hard to reach the dizzy heights of CEO at such a young age.

Knowing the press were keen to cover stories about women and minorities in tech, I angled our press release around Golding being on a one-woman mission to diversify the tech talent pool in the UK. Incredibly, 85% of employees in the tech sector are white men. I talked about how she created _nology to tackle the UK tech skills gap, bust myths surrounding working in tech, and offer a new way into a tech career for all kinds of people – with the most successful candidate so far being a woman with a marketing degree, in her late-20s, who had never seen a line of code before! I highlighted that in the UK, there are currently 60,000 unfilled tech jobs, with demand growing at 20,000 extra roles every year, which the British Chamber of Commerce estimates is costing the British economy £60 billion a year.

I shared Golding’s career tips about how to get to the top, details on how she unwinds and spends time outside of work, and what her plans are for the future, including a baby. Journalists were encouraged to meet her face-to-face on days when she worked at Opus’ London office, whilst other interviews were conducted over the phone or by e-mail if she was travelling abroad. Media highlights included Golding appearing on BBC News – thrice – plus many full-page profile pieces in The Times, The Sunday Times, The Guardian, The Daily Mail – twice – and The Independent.

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The Times
Financial Times
Evening Standard