Background and Brief
Advertising entrepreneurs Damian Cox and Patrick Fisher are on a £1 billion mission to buy up the most billboards in the world. Millions of motorists and passers-by will already be familiar with their work – super-sized, digital advertising hoardings in some of the UK’s most iconic and popular landmarks. Their business, Wildstone, helps property owners – including landlords, real estate businesses and local authorities – to unlock opportunities for generating long-term income from outdoor advertising and add value to their property assets. The Hammersmith-based firm specialises in designing and building large-format, digital billboards in super-premium places, such as at airports, shopping malls and roadside on major routes. Following a joint venture with a US asset management company, Wildstone is on a £1 billion acquisition trail to buy up thousands of billboard sites – and potential sites – across the UK and Europe, becoming a billboard owner in its own right.
PR Superstar was also brought on board to PR another of Fisher’s business ventures, a network of smart street furniture known as Pulse Smart Hubs, which were set to launch in Leicester and Belfast.