White guy with headphones and mic

Ensuring Your Podcast Gets Heard With PR for Podcasts

Let’s talk PR for podcasts.

If you’ve been paying attention to content marketing trends, you’ll know that podcasts are in vogue.

There are more than five million out there, covering every topic under the sun. And people are listening. 460 million people to be precise. That’s a lot of potential ears on your brand.

If you haven’t got in on the podcasting act, there’s never been a better time to do it.

However, it’s not as simple as grabbing the mic and freewheeling. Do this and you’ll be talking to an audience of zero. To build credibility and a loyal following, you need a solid podcast PR strategy.

Before we dive in, let’s define podcast PR.

What is podcast PR?

Creating a podcast is one thing. Getting it heard is another.

Contrary to popular belief, hitting ‘publish’ won’t magically attract a flock of loyal listeners, no matter how good your content is. Establishing and growing an audience takes time, patience and a ton of promotion.

This is where podcast PR comes in.

A set of promotional strategies you can use to get your pod noticed, grow your audience and increase brand authority; podcast PR is a sure-fire way to stand out in the sea of noise.

The three pillars of good podcast content

Girl with pink hai creates podcast

Let’s get one thing straight. No amount of money, creative marketing or ‘Hail Mary’ strategies will grow a bland podcast. So, before you start trying to crack the code on podcast PR, your content needs to be up to snuff.

There are three pillars of good podcast content:

1. A unique idea

You’re not going to win listeners by churning out the same content as everyone else. You need to offer something the other shows don’t.

The best way to do it? Niche down. As counterintuitive as it seems, narrowing your focus is the most effective way to build an engaged audience.

As Anya Logue explains in a podcast.co article, ‘it’s easy to fall into the trap of trying to appeal to the broadest audience possible. But that’s not the best way to build a following. If you’re not targeting specific people with your podcast, it’s not going to suck anyone in’.

Deep diving into a niche area of your expertise will differentiate your podcast and provide listeners with valuable nuggets they’re not getting elsewhere.

Take marketing agency MG Empower. They offer a full spectrum of marketing services, but focus on influencer marketing in their Influencer Monthly podcast.

This is a smart move for two reasons. Firstly, influencer marketing is trendy. And deep diving into the topic enables them to cover it in depth. That’s a lot more valuable for listeners than skimming the surface of multiple topics.

Niching down has helped establish them as a go-to for branded content. #podcastPRwin

2. Value. And lots of it

According to Pew Research Center, 88% of podcast listeners tune in to learn something. So, educate them.

Listeners should gain something from every episode. Are you teaching them new skills or sharing new information? Are you prompting them to think about something in a new way?

Whatever it is, provide them with actionable advice and signpost them towards free tools, real-world examples, and other sources of insightful information.

Want to take it up a notch? Answer listener’s questions. This is a great way to drive engagement, foster loyalty and add value.

Financial journalist Martin Lewis provides value by the bucket-load in his eponymous podcast. Each week, he tackles topical consumer issues, answers listeners’ financial questions, and provides money-saving tips that listeners won’t find anywhere else.

No wonder the pod regularly bags a spot in Apple’s Top 10 UK podcast charts.

3. Entertainment

The best podcasts strike a balance between educational and entertaining.

As Louise Forster explains in a MatchMaker.fm article, ‘you should try to be as entertaining yet informative as you can. Both characteristics work hand in hand. If all you ever do is inform and completely neglect your duty to entertain, you’ll have a hard time reaching and retaining listeners.’

A great example? This Podcast Will Kill You. Hosted by epidemiologists Erin Welsh and Erin Allmann Updyke, it takes a deep dive into the world of medicine and diseases.

In each episode, the duo teaches listeners about the biology, history, and epidemiology of a different disease. And they do it with a healthy dose of wry humour, as this transcript of an episode on Syphilis demonstrates.

They also encourage listeners to join them in a themed cocktail during each episode. Fancy a ‘Smallpox on the Rocks’? Or a ‘Hair of the Rabid Dog’?

Considering 71% of podcast listeners want to be entertained, making them laugh while showcasing your expertise is a winning tactic.

The many talents of podcast PR

Nail the three content pillars and your podcast should start gaining traction. Throw in some savvy podcast PR tactics and you’ll grow it into must-listen content. Here are four tips.

1. Hit up the press

Want to generate a ton of buzz in the lead-up to launch day? Submit a press release to the media.

A recommendation from a trusted reporter will go a long way to getting ears on your show.

But new listeners aren’t the only benefit of press coverage. Getting your name in a reputable publication can help you build credibility and open the door to other valuable promotional opportunities such as guest appearances on other podcasts, speaking engagements and collaborations with industry influencers.

But this is all theoretical. Your chances of securing coverage hinges on the strength of your press release.

Here’s what to include:

A snazzy headline

To snag a journalist’s attention, your heading needs to be clear, concise and communicate the premise of your show in a few words.

Take this headline introducing Love and Luck. Simple and clear, it tells us everything we need to know in ten words.

The banner image with the podcast artwork is a clever addition as it reinforces the branding and makes the press release pop.

The 5Ws

Reporters will be looking for the 5Ws when scouring your press release, so be sure to answer them. Who are you? What are you announcing? When are you announcing it? Where are you? And why are you making an announcement?

While you’re at it, be sure to flag any influential guests you’ve lined up to appear on your show. Journos love a name drop. It’ll go a long way to boosting your chances of coverage.


While they aren’t essential to include, quotes are the only part of a release the media can’t change. So, if you’ve got a powerful one from an influencer or guest, stick it in.

Alternatively, you could include a quote from a listener. Remember, journalists aren’t the only people that will read your press release. If it gets published, potential listeners will see it.

A quote from a fellow listener is a great form of social proof.

Additional resources

Along with your press release, submit your podcast press kit, photos, audio clips and any other material that journalists will need to run with the story. And it goes without saying, don’t forget to include your contact details so they can follow-up.

Make the most of the media

Launch day isn’t the only time to fire off a press release. You can also reach out to the media to announce:

  • The premiere of a new season
  • Noteworthy episodes, featuring hot topics or an interesting angle
  • Interviews with high-profile guests
  • A download milestone.

Bonus tip: Keep an eye on the #journorequest hashtag on social media for opportunities to get your name out there.

Publications often put out calls for podcast guests.

Learn how to land media coverage by reading: How to Pitch to Journalists.

2. Make launch day count

After months of planning, recording, and editing, episode one is in the can. You’re chomping at the bit to publish it. But, unless you’ve got three-five episodes ready to go, hold off.

You want to make an impact on launch day. Publishing several episodes right out of the gate will give your audience a solid, representative sample of your content. It’ll also increase your chances of getting featured in the New and Noteworthy category of Apple Podcast; a section that gets seen by millions of podcast listeners every day.

According to John Lee Dumas, host of the uber-successful Entrepreneur On Fire, releasing a minimum of three episodes on launch day and asking your audience to download and review them over the following weeks is the best way to bag a spot on the list.

This is because Apple’s algorithm weighs variables like subscribers, ratings, reviews and downloads.

If it likes your metrics, you’ll get bumped into the category.

In an interview with Location Rebel, Dumas says ‘you only have eight weeks to take advantage of this prime real estate. Being in this section will allow your podcast to be found organically…reaching potential audience members who would have otherwise never heard of or found out about your podcast.’

Dumas should know. Entrepreneur On Fire was the #1 business podcast for eight weeks straight after launching.

3. Nail your podcast SEO

Want people to find your podcast? Leverage search engine optimisation (SEO).

In 2019, Google started indexing podcasts, meaning they now appear in search results.

As with any other type of content, the better your podcast ranks in search results, the more likely people are to find and interact with it.

Here are a few SEO tips to optimise your show.

Utilise keywords

Keywords are terms and phrases that listeners type into search engines to find audio content.

If you want your podcast to be the first one they see, it needs to rank high for these keywords.

You can figure out which keywords to rank for with some keyword research.

Once you’ve chosen your keywords, be sure to include them in your:

Podcast description

This is a summary of what listeners can expect from your show.

Think of it as your podcast’s elevator pitch. It should outline the main topics, such as who the show is for, who the host is and how frequently episodes are published.

It’ll appear on your podcast’s page in directories like Apple Podcasts and Spotify, so it needs to draw people in.

Show notes

Show notes are summaries of each episode. They usually include a summary of the topics discussed, an introduction to the guest, links to any resources mentioned, and a call to action i.e. encouraging readers to like and subscribe.


Search bots can’t trawl audio. To reap the SEO rewards, you need to transcribe your podcasts.

You can use a tool such as Happy Scribe to convert all the keyword-rich content into text that bots can read.

Publishing transcripts of your episodes will add more searchable content to your site and make your show accessible to people with auditory issues. #PRwin.

Here’s an example of a transcript from Diary of a CEO.

A word of warning: Keyword stuffing won’t earn you any SEO brownie points. So be sure to use them sparingly and naturally.


A backlink is a link from an external website to one of your pages or podcasts. When other websites link to yours, it shows Google that your pages are authoritative and relevant to audiences.

You can build backlinks by:

  • Appearing as a guest on another podcast
  • Creating visuals of your podcast that other websites can use
  • Getting your podcast featured in ‘best podcast’ blog posts.

Ask for reviews and ratings

Whether you call it mob mentality, or groupthink, people will be more inclined to download your podcast if it’s received glowing recommendations from other listeners. After all, social proof is a powerful motivator.

Not only that, but Google factors reviews and ratings into search results, so the more you have, the better your chances of ranking highly.

Maximise your chances by asking listeners to rate and review your podcast wherever you can: on your website, in emails, on social media and on your episode pages.

For more on the connection between PR and SEO, read: How PR and SEO work together to build your brand.


One of podcasting’s strengths as a medium is its intimacy. As Eric Kasimov says in this KazCM article, ‘podcasts offer a level of intimacy that’s unmatched by any other medium…there’s a sense of connection there, a bond formed through shared thoughts and stories that’s incredibly powerful’.

For this reason, people are more likely to check out a new podcast if the host of their favourite pod recommends it.

Enter cross-promotion. Cross-promotion is a podcast discovery strategy where two or more podcasters collaborate to promote each other’s shows.

From shout-outs and guest spots, to dedicated ad slots and collaborative giveaways, it can take many forms.

When done well, it can be a powerful way to tap into an established audience and build your podcast’s credibility.

If you go down this route, be sure to find partners whose audience aligns with yours. A seamless fit between your content and theirs will ensure higher engagement and conversion rates.

You can use social media platforms, online communities or a podcast matching service such as Podcastguest.com to find potential collaborators.

But the most effective way to find the right partner is to take advantage of an established podcast PR agency.

Ready to embrace the power of PR for podcasts?

Success won’t happen overnight. It takes time to build trust and loyalty.

The key is to be patient, consistent and provide your audience with bags of great content.

Want more podcasting insights?

Is podcasting worth the effort? To find out, read: The PR benefits of podcasting.

What are the best business podcasts to listen to right now? Read: 14 of the UK’s Best Business Podcasts.

Want to know the latest unmissable PR podcasts? Read: 12 Bingeworthy PR Podcasts.

Want to join the PR revolution? Call me now on +44 (0)77604 70309

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