As we’re talking about market research, let’s start with a few questions: Do you know what market research is? Do you know why it’s an important part of your public relations strategy? And do you have any idea what impact market research for PR can...

Let’s take a look at digital PR. We know the internet has changed everything, from the way we shop, to the way we communicate with friends and listen to music. These days, we can pretty much do anything we want at the click of a button....

Video may have killed the radio star, but nothing is knocking video off its perch anytime soon. The medium is more prominent than ever. For example, Facebook Watch receives 1.25 billion visits every month, 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute, and...

What do you think of when you hear Boohoo? An ugly cry? Or do you think of cheap slinky party dresses, bargain basics, and more filter-faced influencers than you can shake a discount code at? Because that’s the one we’re talking about. Since 2006, Boohoo has...

What is a brand communication strategy and why do you need one? A brand communication strategy is the process of achieving your objectives through communication. It includes the message: what needs to be said; the medium: using the most appropriate channels to convey the message;...

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