Considering a career in public relations? Great choice. It’s an exciting and creative industry to work in. And there’s loads of variety. No two days are the same. On the flip side, it’s fast-paced, deadline-driven and can be demanding. If you think you’ve got what...

When it comes to PR and advertising, it’s easy to think the two are interchangeable. I’ve heard business leaders say: “I don’t need PR activity. I already having an advertising campaign.” Or they refer to getting “good publicity” when they’ve actually paid for advertising space....

When people discover I work as a PR pro, they often respond with, ‘oh, you’ve got a great job. You write press releases all day and go for long, boozy lunches, right?’ Wrong. While I do write news releases and meet the occasional client, my...

You’ve spent years developing a new product for your business. You’ve scrounged together a decent marketing budget and have prepared a press release to celebrate your launch. You eagerly submit your story and wait. The next morning, you check your emails and…nothing. Press releases are a...

PR is one of those industries people don’t really ‘get’. Some people think it’s all glitzy parties and hobnobbing with celebrities, (if only), while others think it’s about spinning the truth and controlling the media. Many myths abound about PR and they’re perpetuated by a...

Let’s explore PR podcasts. In the fast-moving world of PR, staying on top of industry news, trends, and best practice is critical. But this is easier said than done. Between media pitching, interview scheduling, press release writing, and media coverage analysis, there’s little time for...

Let’s talk about the best business podcasts. The business landscape is constantly changing. To remain relevant, competitive, and effective, you need to stay ahead of the curve. Convenient, accessible, and easy-to-consume, business podcasts are a great way to expand your knowledge, sharpen your business skills...

If you’ve tuned into the cacophony of hype surrounding ChatGPT since its release in November 2022, you’d be forgiven for thinking that AI is going to replace all of us sooner than later. But far from posing a threat to PR experts, AI should be seen...

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