From climate change and pollution, to hunger and poverty, the world faces some mammoth challenges. Governments and charities are doing their best to tackle them, but they can’t do it alone. The problems are way too big, complicated, and expensive. There’s an overwhelming need for...

Human beings are natural born storytellers. We’ve been telling stories as a way to connect, entertain and pass on information since the beginning of time. And stories are still at the centre of all that we do and say today. From the anecdotes we share...

Whatever luxury product or service you offer – whether its travel, jewellery, cosmetics, hotels or fashion – the luxury sector is extremely competitive. It’s a thriving industry, which is great for the economy. But with so many high-end brands vying for attention, how can you...

Ask 100 members of the general public What is PR? and chances are you’d get 100 different answers. So let’s start with a couple of public relations definitions. The CIPR (The Chartered Institute of Public Relations) PR definition is: “Public Relations is about reputation –...

Last Friday, voters woke to the shock news that Britain had elected a hung parliament after the prime minister Theresa May and her Conservatives failed to win a Commons majority. In what turned out to be a catastrophic gamble, Mrs May saw her pre-election majority wiped...

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