It doesn’t matter how careful you are, how fantastic your customer service is, or how solid your reputation is; eventually, you’re going to encounter some criticism on social media. It might be a customer who’s unhappy with a product they ordered, someone nit-picking over a...

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the past week, you’ll know that the NHS was crippled by the worst global ransomware cyberattack in history. Appointments were cancelled and ambulances diverted as more than 40 hospitals were infected with the aptly-named ‘WannaCry’ ransomware. Ransomware is...

You’ve spent years developing a new product for your business. You’ve scrounged together a decent marketing budget and have prepared a press release to celebrate your launch. You eagerly submit your story and wait. The next morning, you check your emails and…nothing. Press releases are a tricky...

They’ve built a multi-million pound brand based on themselves: the handsome football superstar, the glamorous pop princess and their brood of photogenic children. But David and Victoria Beckham’s carefully constructed image has been tarnished by the recent ‘Beckileaks’ scandal. For those of you that missed it,...

When it comes to capturing the attention of journalists and prospects, some PR campaigns have more impact than others. But why do some fly and others fail? A good PR campaign is easy to spot. It builds a relationship between the company and its target demographic. And...

Last year, Oxford Dictionaries chose the smiley emoji as its word of the year, as it best summed up ‘the ethos, mood, and preoccupations’. Fast forward to 2016 and things are very different. Following a divisive Brexit referendum and an explosive election in America, this year’s top...

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