You’ve almost certainly heard of Reddit, but do you know about Reddit PR? As a PR professional with three decades in the business, I help clients maintain good public relations with all the tools available including social media channels like YouTube, TikTok and X (formerly known...

I love a good story. Who doesn’t? Human beings are natural born storytellers and PR is all about storytelling. In fact, we’ve been telling stories as a way to connect, entertain and pass on information since the beginning of time. But stories aren’t just for bedtime....

Let’s talk hashtag marketing and whether or not it’s still a thing. Love them or loathe them, you can’t deny the power of the humble hashtag over the last decade. Remember #FollowFriday on Twitter? Or the #ShareaCoke campaign from Coca-Cola way back in 2011, which garnered...

So, what is fake news exactly? Propaganda, clickbait, deepfakes, fabrication, disinformation and misinformation can all be called fake news. The Cambridge Dictionary defines it as ‘false stories that appear to be news, spread on the internet or using other media’. Jan-Werner Mueller said in a recent Project...

Let's talk about issues management in public relations for a moment. When I talk about this to my clients, there’s a good definition of issues management in public relations I always share, which is: “The monitoring or scanning of the organisational environment in order to identify...

I'm often asked: what is a media list? So picture the scene. You’ve spent hours perfecting your pitch and polishing up your media kit. After one final scan for erroneous typos, you fire off it off and wait for the influx of calls from curious journalists. But...

Crisis management is something every organisation should think about. But what constitutes a PR crisis? I always say it’s when you or your business receives negative or damaging publicity. Or you’re being bombarded with a whole host of unwanted social media mentions. Of course, not every...

Think PR insurance is an unnecessary expense? Think again. As per Cornerstone Insurance, it’s a ‘cornerstone’ of risk management. And, as former Goldman Sachs President and COO Gary Cohn once said, ‘if you don't invest in risk management, it doesn't matter what business you're in, it's...

How do you measure PR campaign success? It’s a question that PR pros have debated for as long as I’ve been in the business. And the jury’s still out. Comms expert Adam Malik says its ‘notoriously tricky’. And PR bod Mark Pinsent calls it an ‘unsolvable conundrum’....

Let’s look at the popularity of audio as a medium. ‘We really are living in the glory days for audio. Not since the advent of the Walkman have we seen the same kind of exponential increase in personal audio consumption.’ Peter Charlton, the CEO of entertainment...

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