When should you start thinking about international PR? You’ve worked hard to grow your business. You’ve made some mistakes, some tough decisions, and endured many sleepless nights, but you’ve come out the other side with a profitable, thriving business – congratulations. The next step is to...

Video may have killed the radio star, but nothing is knocking video off its perch anytime soon. The medium is more prominent than ever. For example, Facebook Watch receives 1.25 billion visits every month, 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute, and...

News is one thing we’ll never run out of. In the age of social media, it’s easier than ever to find news and react to it. As a result, an old tactic is making a comeback: ‘newsjacking’. While it may sound like slang for mugging a...

The Red Bull Stratos Space Jump. WWF's Earth Hour. Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty. Just three examples of PR stunts done right. In each case, they got people talking and generated huge amounts of publicity for the brands behind them. It may not be the newest...

Zombies. Ghosts. Axe-murderers. In-laws. They’re all scary, but for many people, none of them are as scary as making a speech in front of a bunch of strangers. In fact, the fear of public speaking, also known as glossophobia, is one of the most common...

If you’re new to PR, you’ll be forgiven for thinking that public relations and marketing are the same thing. Like dinner and supper, a lot of people think the words are interchangeable. But the two concepts are different. Yes, they’re both about influencing opinion, but...

It’s like watching a train wreck — horrible, but you just can’t look away. I’m talking, of course, about interviews gone wrong. Maybe the CEO dodged too many questions, came off as shady, or forgot the name of his own company. Despite the damage these incidents...

When it comes to public speaking, TED Talks are right up there as some of the most exciting presentations to watch. But did you know that glossophobia, the fear of public speaking, is one of the most common phobias out there? According to The National Institute...

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