You’ve put blood, sweat and tears into building your brand and establishing your business, and it’s finally paying off. You’re turning a healthy profit, your customer base is growing, and you’re attracting attention from industry experts. Congratulations. This is no mean feat. You’ve also started receiving...

These days it pays dividends to become a voice of authority within your industry - in other words, a media commentator. What is a media commentator? Simply put, a media commentator is either the face of a company (usually a CEO, founder, or entrepreneur), or an...

You’ve put countless days and nights into building your brand, perfecting your product and coming up with a killer story. Now you’re ready to let the world know about it. You’re excited to send your pitch to the media. After all, your business proposition is brilliant....

One definition of issues management in public relations is defined as: “The monitoring or scanning of the organisational environment in order to identify issues and trends, adapt to changes, and/or to decide on managerial or communicative actions aimed at creating mutual understanding with relevant stakeholders.” Corporate...

American entrepreneur Warren Buffett once said: 'It takes 20-years to build a reputation and five-minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.' How true this is. Especially in the digital age, where corporate reputations can be ruined with a single...

While the COVID-19 pandemic has brought most of the world to a complete standstill, many industries, including the media, are still trying to struggle on as best they can. But does that mean you can you still pitch stories to journalists? And furthermore, should you? First...

Considering a career in public relations? Great choice. It’s an exciting and creative industry to work in. And there’s loads of variety. No two days are the same. On the flip side, it’s fast-paced, deadline-driven and can be demanding. If you think you’ve got what it...

Twitter, Facebook and Instagram might be the ‘Big Three’ when it comes to social media platforms, but there’s a new kid on the block: TikTok. Heard of it? If you’re a Generation Z'er you probably have. If you’re any older, it may have passed you...

Whether it’s monitoring your gin intake or finally investing in that gym membership (ideally, one that’s so expensive you’ll hate yourself a bit more if you don’t use it), nothing kicks our backsides into gear quite like a New Year’s resolution. When it comes to...

From targeted advertising to social media taking on traditional media, the Tenties brought with it a slew of new changes, challenges and advantages to the world of PR. But now we’re in a shiny new decade, what will the trends be for 2020? Here are...

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