The PR Superstar Blog

All the latest news, events and industry insight from PR Superstar’s monthly PR agency blog.

American entrepreneur Warren Buffett once said: 'It takes 20-years to build a reputation and five-minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.' How true this is. Especially in the digital age, where corporate reputations can be ruined with a single...

While the COVID-19 pandemic has brought most of the world to a complete standstill, many industries, including the media, are still trying to struggle on as best they can. But does that mean you can you still pitch stories to journalists? And furthermore, should you? First...

Since the pandemic began last month, we've been bombarded with images of entire countries on lockdown, medical staff in hazmat clobber, and supermarket shelves stripped bare by overly panicked civilians. Not to mention constant updates on the horrific death toll. Truth be told, it's all...

As far as PR moments go, the twenties have gotten off to a solid start. From a broadband supplier bitchfest and Sainsbury’s trolling a pop megastar, to Heinz Ketchup lamenting its underpraised Hollywood career: here are our favourite PR moments from January and February. Broadband giants...

Considering a career in public relations? Great choice. It’s an exciting and creative industry to work in. And there’s loads of variety. No two days are the same. On the flip side, it’s fast-paced, deadline-driven and can be demanding. If you think you’ve got what it...

Twitter, Facebook and Instagram might be the ‘Big Three’ when it comes to social media platforms, but there’s a new kid on the block: TikTok. Heard of it? If you’re a Generation Z'er you probably have. If you’re any older, it may have passed you...

Whether it’s monitoring your gin intake or finally investing in that gym membership (ideally, one that’s so expensive you’ll hate yourself a bit more if you don’t use it), nothing kicks our backsides into gear quite like a New Year’s resolution. When it comes to...

From targeted advertising to social media taking on traditional media, the Tenties brought with it a slew of new changes, challenges and advantages to the world of PR. But now we’re in a shiny new decade, what will the trends be for 2020? Here are...

If you thought Santa’s elves had their work cut out during the run-up to Christmas, then you should spare a thought for the poor PR and marketing gurus of the world. Since time began (or rather, since chrimbo became a great big commercial goldmine) companies...

So, you’re hosting the event of the year. You and your team have put months of blood, sweat and tears into organising it. Now all you need to do is let people know about it. Whether it’s a product launch, conference, or charity fundraiser, the...

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