The PR Superstar Blog

All the latest news, events and industry insight from PR Superstar’s monthly PR agency blog.

Imagine if a huge chunk of your target market or audience could be reached in one fell swoop – wouldn’t that make life easier? Well, YouTube is possibly the closest you’ll get to that right now. These days eight out of ten 18-49 year-olds are...

When two brands work together, great things can happen. Look no further than Red Bull and GoPro. Over the years, GoPro has provided the tools to capture the excitement of extreme sports events such as races, stunts and sports. And Red Bull has provided the...

Business networking is like Marmite: Some people love it, some hate it. Either way, it’s the best way to build strong professional relationships. From industry conferences, to networking breakfasts, there are loads of opportunities to meet new people, and you should be making the most...

Earlier this month, UK cosmetics chain Lush deleted its social media accounts.The company, which is famous for its fizzing bath bombs and handmade soap, said in a statement, ‘social media is making it harder and harder for us to talk to each other directly. We...

According to research by, as of January 2019 there were over 1.94 billion websites in cyber space. And the number is rising daily. To maximise the chances of getting your business noticed, you need to do everything you can to improve your visibility and reputation....

You may have heard of March madness. The month where brands pull off interesting PR stunts to attract publicity and highlight some worthy causes. So last month we saw Virgin Trains on the hunt for a voice for its toilets, two teenage synchronised swimmers performed a...

Chances are you've endured at least one boring presentation in your time. Whether the presenter mumbled, read off a screen, or just failed to keep the audience's attention, they were memorable for all the wrong reasons. Enter entrepreneur and founder of Apple, Steve Jobs. Millions...

In October 2018, Lion Air Flight JT610 crashed into the Java Sea, 12 minutes after take-off, tragically killing all 189 people onboard. Five months later, Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 slammed into a field south of the capital Addis Ababa, six minutes after take-off. All 157...

There were some brilliant PR campaigns from February, including Fatboy Slim and Deliveroo’s ‘Deliverave’; US charity The One Love Foundation’s Valentine’s Day chocolates that highlighted the dangers of toxic relationships; and an Australian zoo’s unusual campaign to find a name for one of its venomous...

From our social media feeds to the water cooler at work, political conversation is everywhere. Most of us don’t think twice about sharing our personal opinions. But deciding whether to have an opinion as a brand is tricky. Do it well and you’ll gain respect from fans...

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