The PR Superstar Blog

All the latest news, events and industry insight from PR Superstar’s monthly PR agency blog.

Let's talk about Prince Harry PR. The Prince, of course, is no stranger to press coverage. Or controversy. Over the years his (many) drunken antics, drug taking, racist slurs, and scraps with photographers have made front page news. Then there was the royal exit, the...

What’s the impact of AI in public relations? Until quite recently, it seemed artificial intelligence was a concept that only existed in science fiction. Today, AI is everywhere. We rely on it to do everything from internet banking to checking the weather on Google. It's transforming businesses...

Is print dead? Well, the rise of digital media and technology has certainly transformed the way we consume news. We no longer need to wait for the morning paper to find out what’s happening in the world. Thanks to the likes of social media, YouTube, and news aggregators from tech behemoths...

So why is online reputation management so important? Think about it. What’s the first thing you do before meeting a potential employee, supplier, or business associate? Google them? Check out their LinkedIn profile? Scrutinise their Facebook, Twitter and Insta accounts? The likelihood is you do all...

Why is broadcast PR activity so important? Well, nothing beats the thrill of getting your brand on TV or radio. Whether it’s a national radio station or a prime time news show, having your story shared by a leading broadcaster to an audience of millions...

Have you ever been scrolling through your Instagram feed and found yourself longing after one of those pretty blue ticks like the ones Nike, Disney and ITV have? For the unfamiliar, the coveted blue tick (or checkmark) tells the platform's 1.44 billion monthly active users that...

PR pros and journalists: It’s an interesting dynamic. They may not always be on the same page, but they need each other to get the job done. Journalists want news to share. PR professionals provide the news. PR pros want eyes on their story. Journalists provide...

To round off the year, we cast an eye back over some of the best PR campaigns of 2022. And 2022 has been quite a year. Queen Elizabeth II died after a historic 70-year reign, we’ve had no less than three UK Prime Ministers, the cost...

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