The PR Superstar Blog

All the latest news, events and industry insight from PR Superstar’s monthly PR agency blog.

Whether you love it or hate it, Valentine’s Day has come round again. It’s that time of the year when supermarket shelves groan with heart-shaped chocolate boxes, restaurants and florists hike their prices, and jewellers extend their opening hours. But it’s not just high street retailers...

Where would we be without the Royal Mail? Providing a universal postal service to more than 29 million addresses since 1516, the iconic brand is as deeply ingrained in British culture as tea and scones. However, it’s been a tough few years for the group. Not...

What do you think of when you hear Boohoo? An ugly cry? Or do you think of cheap slinky party dresses, bargain basics, and more filter-faced influencers than you can shake a discount code at? Because that’s the one we’re talking about. Since 2006, Boohoo has been...

The British public has a curious relationship with the National Health Service (NHS). We view it a bit like a wayward family member: We’re proud of it, we’re grateful for it, but there’s an undercurrent of concern that it won’t be there for us when...

With Halloween and Bonfire Night out of the way, we’re gearing up for Christmas. And the same goes for the retailers. In the run-up to the big day, brands big and small, fight it out to win column inches and the hearts and minds of...

Ambitious, disruptive, successful. If one company represents the modern tech start-up, it has to be Uber. But it hasn’t been an easy ride for the world’s largest ‘mobility as a service provider’ famous for its ride-hailing taxi app. Let’s take a look at some Uber PR successes...

When you hear the words ‘chicken’ and ‘fast food,’ one brand likely springs to mind. We’re talking, of course, about Kentucky Fried Chicken now known as KFC. Thanks to its secret recipe of eleven herbs and spices, and being one of the first fast food brands...

Founded in 1896, the Daily Mail has risen to become one of England’s biggest papers. With its heady mix of tabloid news and celebrity gossip, it attracts more than 2.2 million daily readers. However, the Saturday edition is even more popular. Three million people pore...

In 2016, Disney was named the world’s most powerful brand. In 2018, it was the world’s best-regarded company. And in 2020, it was voted the world’s most-admired entertainment company for the seventeenth year running. Those are impressive accolades. The Disney PR team must be doing something right. So...

When it comes to PR, the South Korean electronics giant Samsung has had its share of good, and spectacularly bad times. Remember the exploding Galaxy Note 7? Or the folding phone that didn’t fold? These were embarrassing PR screw-ups from one of the world’s leading...

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